Guardianship in Maryland

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Melissa Wu has experience with the different types of petitions and court appointments for guardianship in Maryland:

  • guardianship of a disabled adult
  • guardianship of a minor child
  • guardianship of a special needs child turning 18 years of age
  • guardianship of an adult who is no longer able to take care of herself
  • guardianship of a property

Melissa will help you determine whether the court appointed guardian should be a:

  • family member
  • friend
  • private unrelated individual
  • public official
  • publicly funded organization

Melissa is diligent in protecting the personal and financial rights of ADPs, alleged disabled persons. She can coordinate the process of dealing with a local area agency on aging or the Maryland Department of Social Services, even in an emergency situation.

Hire Melissa Wu to successfully protect your rights under Maryland law in your objection to the filing of a guardianship petition by a nursing home.

Money Saving Alternatives to Guardianship

Avoid the guardianship process, and a costly contested dispute, with a plan made in advance for incapacity caused by an illness, such as dementia or Alzheimer’s. 

Upon receiving the diagnosis for yourself or a loved one, contact Melissa immediately to help you put these simple and inexpensive documents into place:

  • will
  • power of attorney
  • advanced medical directive

Melissa can help you find other alternatives to guardianship such as setting up a surrogate decision maker to advocate and sign your important papers for you.